The Apprehensive Gardener – Griselda Kerr

Description: Griselda Kerr has drawn on over 20 years of gardening knowledge and experience to create the book that she wishes she had had access to when, as a complete beginner, she started to revive the “dismal looking” plants in her garden – an indispensable, practical guide to how and when to look after more than 700 garden plants.
No coffee table book this, it is designed for constant quick reference, to be used, perhaps as a stand-in for a knowledgeable friend, for advice on specific plants. Look up each plant in a specially formatted index spread across the year and a page reference will take you to a short, clearly written entry on what to do in a particular month – whether to clip, deadhead or divide, cut right down, feed, mulch or leave well alone. Each of these gardening techniques is also explained in a comprehensive glossary
The Apprehensive Gardener is an attractive, durable, easy-to-use guide to plant care which will be referred to over and over again and will stand the test of time.
As we are at the start of the year, The Apprehensive Gardener by Griselda Kerr is a wonderful companion for the months ahead; what we love about this book is that it is based on both the experience of Griselda in creating and tending her own garden and the knowledge that she has gained over the years.
Each month is divided into the following: Areas to Consider – for example in January, Alpines, Annual meadow, Bare-root plants, Bark, Bulbs, Compost, Container and pot plants, Cuttings-roots, Evergreen hedges, Frost and wind protection, Fruit bushes, Fruit trees, Greenhouse and indoor plants, Hedges, Lawns, Leaves, Perennials, Ponds, Pruning, Snow, Topiary, Trees, planting and staking. Vegetable beds, Wildlife. This is followed by details on relevant care for different plants for that month.
There is also an Index of Plants and their Care during the Year, a Glossary, Recommended References, Common and Latin Names, and a space for Notes.
Packed with really useful information for each month and with beautiful photography, The Apprehensive Gardener is an essential and very practical guide for any beginner gardener, and a valuable reminder for more experienced gardeners. Highly Recommended!
Published by Pimpernel Press