For the Love of Collecting – Finding Treasures

Some of our favourite television programmes that we watched during lockdown were re-runs of antique and collectables shows. When we were unable to travel, visiting beautiful locations virtually was like a balm. What was also fascinating was the variety of items that people found and even the auctions themselves.
Here at Beautiful Heirloom Home, we have always had a love of collecting, and our interests are very varied, from fabric to glass, silver to wood,
We have built our collection over many years but we are also attracted too by the unusual; something that may stand out because we cannot immediately identify it. Some people develop specialist knowledge in particular types of ceramics, glass, paintings, but for us it’s almost the opposite. When we find a piece that looks unusual, we love the thrill of the research trying to identify what it actually is. It isn’t about the value of the item it is more a curiosity about what it could be, who the maker is, and the story behind it.
For example at an Antique Fair prior to lockdown, we saw a very little tile, almost covered by the price label, it was unusual because of the size 3.5 x 3.5 inches, but also beautifully decorated and it depicted a yellow cable car/tram, our initial reaction was it from San Francisco then we turned it over and it said Portugal. Intrigued we bought it and came home and researched it and found it was created by artisan artist called Jose Carboila, who specialized in creating miniatures. It’s just a very special little piece.
You may also have undiscovered family items of your own, many people have used lockdown to empty lofts and garages and have re-discovered long lost family treasures.
There can be such a variety, from family recipes written inside faded notebooks created generations ago, embroideries lovingly sewn, photographs, memorabilia from events, vintage clothing, china, glass, tea sets, old suitcases often contain collections inside.
Putting together a collection of unique items is a wonderful way of celebrating your family history.
Lockdown has encouraged many of us to learn new crafts, treasure these creations as part of your own heirlooms of the future. As well as things you might create, you may want to start your own collections, often finding a single item can trigger a lifetime interest.
If you want to create your own new collection, there are so many places where you can join in the search for your own curiosities; Antique Fairs, charity shops and other local places are gradually opening up.
Many Auction houses also operate online giving you the opportunity to identify items in a catalogue, listen to auctions and make your own bid. There are additional costs that are added to the purchase price, but sometimes there are exquisite items that may not be noticed by others.
One of our favourite magazines is Homes & Antiques, which as well as always having fascinating information also has the latest listings of antiques and vintage fairs.
You may also be interested in our shop where we keep adding new items as we find them.